We welcome you to join Kinesiologist Kylie Bryan for some special free demos at Transform this month.   Past participants have described her sessions as “Life changing”, “The best thing I have EVER done!” and “This IS the missing piece I have been searching for”

Kylie has thousands of success stories with past clients and students and is here to share with you the how’s and why’s behind why Kinesiology works and will show you exactly what it can do to BENEFIT YOUR LIFE AND YOUR FAMILY NOW

Are you:

  • Curious about a NEW NATURAL, FAST and EFFECTIVE way to release ANY health or life issue?
  • Want to experience fast changes for yourself or your family in health, behaviour, finances, emotions or relationship dynamics?
  • Want to increase your energy, decrease your stress, eliminate pain?
  • Have you heard about Kinesiology and want to understand more about what is does and how it works?
  • Do you have a TMJ issue and want relief?
  • Perhaps you work in the natural health industry and are interested in a way to combine ALL your knowledge, training and skills in a simple efficient and easy to learn system that gets RESULTS FAST!
  • Join us this month for free mini session and information days.

Come and experience this advanced form of Kinesiology (Kinergetics) for yourself!  These demo days are filled with information AND many attendees will receive FREE mini balances which WILL REDUCE PAIN, RELIEVE STRESS, INCREASE FLEXIBILITY on the day!

Kinergetics assists in your natural path to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Regain or CATAPULT your innate vitality NOW!  WARNING…You will LOVE it!

Date 1:  Friday 18th August 1pm – 2.30pm

Date 2: Tuesday 29th August 11am-1pm

Date 3: Friday 1st September 1pm – 2.30pm

Date 4: Tuesday 5th September 4:30pm-6


Cost:     FREE, at the Studio.